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Here's a listing of the Web comics I read regularly. Some I've been reading for a long time, some I've
(Needless to say, this page will be updated when I discover a new favorite, so don't forget to come back
just added to my list. All are worth a look - and if you like one, why not e-mail the author and say so?
By the way, each comic you visit will open in a new browser window to make it easy to find your way back.
regularly and see what's new. Also, right now I'm just setting up the links and the titles, but soon I plan
to add a brief description to each of these links, so you'll know what you're clicking yourself into.)
DAILY (5x/week or more)
SEMI-WEEKLY (1X-4X/week)
These are comics that I used to read and love, but that now are either no longer being updated or else
All of this stuff is ©2002-2005 Troy Smith except images on link graphics, which are © their various creators. Please don't steal anything.
Scandal Sheet! is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
are being updated so erratically that it amounts to the same thing. Still, if you haven't read them before,
click over anyway and hit the archives - they'll be new as far as YOU'RE concerned.